Why I Give: David Holyoak Skip to main content

Why I Give: David Holyoak


As a young boy growing up on a small farm in rural southeastern Idaho, I would’ve never imagined a career that included working for a major professional services firm, living in major US cities, traveling internationally and experiencing different social and religious cultures.

That journey began at BYU and I have always been grateful for my BYU experience. The opportunity to comingle my education with my faith was unique. That uniqueness is even truer today.

During my journey, I have realized I did not accomplish this on my own. I had great parents, a very supportive spouse and some very influential mentors along the way.

In the business community, BYU has a very good and strong brand. It has a reputation for producing students who have integrity and demonstrate the core values of many of today’s business organizations.

A strong brand and a highly rated educational institution require financial resources. BYU did not become the BYU of today without financial contributions from generous alumni.

Voluntarily giving is a gift from the heart. Whether it is our time or our money, we all have something to give. That is why I donate my time to the BYU Information Systems Advisory Board and for many years have contributed money to the Marriott School of Business. It is my opportunity to “pay it forward” and in some small way, offset the debt of gratitude I owe to those who made my and my children’s BYU experience possible.

You, like me, did not get to BYU on our own. This is your opportunity to “pay it forward” and acknowledge in a meaningful way, the contributions of those who preceded you and the opportunity you are enjoying or enjoyed.

While we cannot give everything, each of us can give something.

Please join me in contributing financially to BYU.