If you have taken IS 303 or been in the IS Core, then you have probably taken a class from Dr. Greg Anderson. Due to his excellence and contributions to the IS Department, Dr. Greg Anderson was awarded the Cherrington Faculty Service Award for 2019.
The J. Owen Cherrington Faculty Service award is an award given to honor the service of one member of the IS faculty each year. Dr. Owen Cherrington was a professor who became the first director of the Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology and taught at BYU in the IS department from 1975 until he died from cancer in April 2005. This award honors his legacy of faculty that care and serve BYU and BYU Marriott.
Dr. Bonnie Anderson explained,
“Greg Anderson was awarded the J. Owen Cherrington Faculty Service award in partial recognition of his many contributions to the department. He works tirelessly on behalf of the students. He is consistently evaluating ways to improve his courses and the IS curriculum overall. He spends countless hours in committees working on curriculum both at BYU and on an international level.”
Dr. Greg Anderson is an Associate Teaching Professor of Information Systems and has been teaching at BYU since 2012. Before coming to BYU, Dr. Anderson taught at Weber State for 11 years and was the Chair of the Computer Science department. Because of his phenomenal teaching and care in the classroom, Dr. Anderson was also chosen by Marriott School students as the Outstanding Faculty at the 2017 Merrill J. Bateman Student Choice Awards.
Dr. Greg Anderson has also helped students have hands-on learning experiences by creating and organizing a study abroad experience for students. This study abroad trip was scheduled for Spring term 2020 but was canceled because of COVID-19. It is anticipated to run in the future.
Dr. Bonnie Anderson said about Dr. Greg Anderson, “He spent over 200 hours planning and organizing all of the details of the trip to compare the Fourth Industrial Revolution in China, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. He is still teaching the preparation class to the students who will have to wait until next year to get the full experience. Greg is committed to the welfare of each student. We are so lucky to have him in the Information Systems Department.”
Joslyn Bunderson, a student in the IS core preparing to go on this trip, explained, “Dr. Anderson was so passionate about making the study abroad a good experience for the students. He spent countless hours arranging the trip schedule and activities, and when preliminary changes were made due to COVID-19, he spent even more hours reworking the trip. Dr. Anderson is so concerned with his students, and any student of his knows that he cares about them. He makes the IS program a much better place with his love for the students and by lifting up everyone he meets!”
The IS department is lucky to have Dr. Greg Anderson and we congratulate him for being the recipient of this award.